Well, we haven't set up a true iMix for him as of yet, but as many of you know, Jason is very opinionated when it comes to the music he listens too. To be honest I probably set us up for this as I've always asked him what he wants to listen to in the car. Through the years he's liked a ton of really fun songs, so I thought it would be fun to start a chronicle of "Jason's top song".
His current favorite song is "
A-Punk" by Vampire Weekend. I've linked it to the video posted on YouTube. Hey, Craig, can you do me a favor and tell me what kind of guitar that is? On a personal note, I really like these guys, my favorite of their's is "
Cape Code Kwassa Kwassa". This link goes to a live version, so you can't hear the music all that well, but it has a good energy.
Some recent other favorites are:
Won't Go Home Without You" - Maroon 5 - From the album "It won't be soon before too long"
Such Great Heights" - The Postal Service (interesting side note, as a baby/1 year old, he loved the slower, and I think original, version by Iron and Wine from the Garden State soundtrack, but now he likes this faster version).
Shadowplay" - the Killers - this is a remake of a Joy Division song; Jason likes the begining
I'll save some of the others for the next post! Take a listen, you might like 'em too!