Monday, October 20, 2008

AJ is 10 weeks old!

AJ is doing really well, he handled his two month check up with as much grace as can be expected! The shots, all three of them (gulp!), went over without too much fuss! He is now a whopping 10 lbs 14 oz and 22 inches "tall". He is about 4 lbs less than Jason was at the same age, as evidenced by the photos below. He is sleeping as well as one can expect a 2.5 month old to sleep. He's been an excellent hiking companion and loves being in the baby bjorn (thank goodness!). He is also very happy, he smiles all the time and I swear he laughs at us. He gets a crooked smile, which just cracks me up!

AJ 10 weeks

Jason 10 weeks
From AJ 9 weeks
AJ says "well, at least I have hair big brother."

Jason likes being a big brother

More recent photos of everyone available here.

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