Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween 2008

Jason did a great job fighting fires! He had a lot of fun this year and did a great job with his "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you". He was very excited about Halloween this year, he's been counting down the days since probably about 2 weeks ago. It could be the candy :-D AJ was a trooper and chilled out in the baby bjorn! Thanks to Beth and Wes for hosting the Halloween Pre-Party, that was a huge lifesaver this year! Thanks to Deborah and Ray for the adorable "pumpkin" outfit for AJ, he loves the rattles in the pumpkin shoes! I think Jason was a little jealous of the pumpkin shoes. AJ was crying fairly hard in his car seat while we were heading out the door. Jason said "it's okay AJ, it's me, I'm just dressed as a fireman, there is no reason to be scared!" and then "I really like those pumpkin shoes, they are pretty cool." It was so cute, because his tone of voice was the same as the one adopted by the fire fighters that did the "fire safety" presentation at his school. Very soothing and yet authoritative.

Here are the pics!

AJ and Jason ready for action!

Jason and Peyton are ready to hit the neighborhood!

The whole crew: Matt - Skeleton, Peyton - PowerRanger, Reece - Monkey, Jason - Fireman
From Halloween 2008

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